Past Events
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
How has the way you communicate with your customers changed in the last couple of years?
2022…we are inundated with different ways and platforms to talk with one another, yet effective customer communication appears to be rapidly declining. The Pandemic has left many of us frustrated, short-tempered and impatient with limited time for listening and answering questions thoroughly.
How have you handled communicating with customers over the last couple of years? Have you found your communication method effective? Have you had to change anything?
Let’s compare notes… Join us on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 to be a part of this great discussion.
This meeting will be moderated by Art Wood.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and board president at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, October 25th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
A leader who masters delegation can take the business to the next level.
Let’s face it. There was a time when you mastered every single process that makes your business successful, and gradually, you realize there isn’t enough time for just you to get it done.
But how do you trust someone to do the job or implement the process just as good as you have done it?
According to Sharon Gazda, “Effective delegation enhances employee morale, manager productivity and organizational success.” So, how do you relinquish the power and let someone else take the reins?
Join us on Tuesday, September 27th to be part of this great discussion and learn some invaluable tips from our discussion leader, Daniel Fioramonti.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Daniel Fioramonti runs Maximized Marketing, a company dedicated to distribute prize redemption software where digital game consoles are available for consumer use at retail locations.
He thoroughly enjoys his team, company and industry, and continues to look at opportunities to grow the business.
He admits, however, it was the power of delegating that skyrocketted his company to the next level…and he wants to share his “wins” with you.
Visit the company’s website.
Daniel can be reached via email or phone/text.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, September 27th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Do you find yourself wondering why you feel like you’re stuck in a rut…not achieving your goals as you thought you would?
What’s stopping you from getting to the next level, or to the place you thought you would be right now? Are your own beliefs stopping you from getting there? There could be so many obstacles in the way…
“Have you ever wondered what separates people who think bigger from people who set their bars low? What makes one person accept low standards and another person constantly raise them?” asks Martin Meadows, author of “How to Think Bigger: Aim Higher, Get More Motivated, and Accomplish Big Things.”
Is there a formula for putting yourself in a position of visualizing and achieving your goals?
Join us on Tuesday, July 26th to discuss this very important subject.
This meeting will be moderated by Art Wood.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, Junly 26th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, June 28, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Foster a happy, productive work culture by nurturing and retaining good employees.
According to Susan H. Heathfield of The Balance Careers, not all managers get this simple fact: “Happy employees are the most significant factor for raising work productivity and creating happy, satisfied customers.”
Happy employees are key to the success of your business:
- Happy employees perform at higher levels
- Happy employees mean happy customers
- Happy employees mean more money for your business
Join us on Tuesday, June 28th to discuss strategies for achieving a happy and productive work environment aimed to retain employees, such as
- Putting an end to bullying
- Paying employees fairly
- Providing regular feedback with constructive advice
- Identifying employee motivators
- Recognizing and celebrating employee contributions
- Rewarding good work with promotions and/or bonuses
- Not punishing employees for management shortcomings
- Remaining courteous, professional, and pleasant
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, June 28th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
How do you retain good customers for repeat business and/or referrals?
The cost of acquiring a new customer could be, at minimum, 5 times higher than the investment that it takes to retain a good customer.
Then, why is it that so many businesses are focused on getting new leads and obsessed with getting new customers instead of keeping in front of, nurturing, and celebrating good past customers, who had a great experience with your service/product and who are willing not only to come back at the right business cycle time, or refer family and friends to business with you in the meantime?
Join us on Tuesday, April 26th to discuss these very important topic when customer loyalty may be at stake driven by “best price,” or the quickest turn around? Let’s share strategies that have worked, and learn from others.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, April 26th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Web 2.0 broke all Internet boundaries by introducing us, among other things, to “Social Media.” Suddenly, we were tramping over unknown terrain.
At some point, we were all convinced that it was a matter of popularity…the more followers we had, the more business we would have…and how about sharing other people’s stuff? The more we would share the more people would know about you, right?
It’s been an interesting ride since Web 2.0 was first introduced in 2004 and many things have changed since. Somehow, most of us in business have managed to leave a social footprint.
Join us on Tuesday, March 29th to share your successes and talk with other business leaders about managing your online brand, including… the best way to put yourself out there, becoming omnipresent, social listening, and catering to your superfans.
And then…are you ready for Web 3.0?
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, March 29th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
There is no question that most of your clients are the best, working along with you and contributing to the success of the project.
But there are some that may feel like a thorn in your side…questioning everything you do, complaining about how long the process is taking, comparing your service to other services while hinting they might be better than yours, constantly reaching out to find out the status of the project, changing their minds halfway, not valuing your time, etc. etc. etc.
At some point, you will need a mindset reset to assess whether this “thorny” client is going to make you money…or cost you money. It may be time to bid them “adieu!” But how do you go about it in a sensible and respectful way?
Join us on Tuesday, February 22nd for a candid discussion around this subject with other business leaders from across industries.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, February 22nd meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
It’s that time again!
Time to kick off the new year with a meeting that will shape the rest of your year! On Tuesday, February 1st, join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Mastermind Round Table to discuss the infamous subject of “Goal Setting.”
Our round table will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Despite the subject matter, the conversation will focus on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Art Wood Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, February 1st meeting
Fuse Networking’s Salvation Army Toy Drive and After Business Hours Networking
Tuesday, December 14 – 6:30 -8:30 pm
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us on Tuesday, December 14th from 6:30-8:300 pm at Smoke Rise Country Club for our biggest event of the year… Fuse Networking After Business Hours Christmas Extravaganza and Toy Drive!
This is always a fantastic opportunity to spread JOY and GOODWILL, while connecting with like-minded networkers to IGNITE your business!.
In lieu of the $20 admission fee, we encourage you to bring 2 new, unwrapped toys to donate to Fuse Neworking’s Salvation Army Toy Drive, and your admission will be FREE! RSVP NOW!
Enjoy great food, a cash bar, unlimited networking, and the chance to light up a child’s face this Christmas.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry. Fuse Networking After Business Hours events are also held several times per year.
Always FREE to attend with membership.
We look forward to seeing you!
$20 admission or
FREE admission when you bring two new toys!
RSVP for Tuesday, December 14th networking and toy drive meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, October 26 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, October 26th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
This month’s FUSE Mastermind Round Table will be moderated by Hal Parkerson of Hal Parkerson Law.
“The business structure you choose influences everything from day-to-day operations, to taxes and how much of your personal assets are at risk. You should choose a business structure that gives you the right balance of legal protections and benefits.” U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Hal will lead us in a discussion on how to ascertain the best business structure for your business. Join us, for this informative round table discussion.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
You may have questions about a legal matter in Atlanta, GA, but not all lawyers may be able to provide you with the thorough information you need.
At Hal Parkerson Law, we believe in empowering our clients by educating them about the law and their rights. We hope you’ll be completely satisfied with our service, and we’ll work diligently to help you reach your goals in court, if it comes to that.
Hal Parkerson Law has convenient appointment scheduling, and offers competitive rates. “We’ll give you our personal attention, and we’re happy to answer all of your questions.” Scheduling a consultation with Hal Parkerson will help you learn more about your options.
Their services include debt and bankruptcy law, business and franchise law, estate law and financial law.
Whether you need a fresh start from crushing debt or require strategic planning to move your company to a higher level, Hal Parkerson Law is ready to help you. We offer services throughout the Greater Atlanta area, and we’re ready to assist you in any way we can. Request an appointment today.
Contact | Connect with Hal
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, September 28 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, September 28th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
This month’s FUSE Mastermind Round Table will be moderated by Ashley Matta and Dr. Jacob Swart of Athletes’ Potential.
Jacob will lead us in a discussion on how to achieve good sleep with techniques based on special forces training–including sleep batching (power naps), sleep prep, and stress management. Both Ashley and Jacob will entertain questions.
Join us, as we discuss how to get the sleep we deserve!
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Dr. Jacob Swart, PT, DPT, CSCS, CF-L1
Dr. Jacob Swart is a physical therapist, coach and athlete. In addition to receiving his doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from Ohio University, Jacob is also a certified strength and conditioning specialist and CrossFit Level 1 coach. Prior to physical therapy school, Jacob completed an internship at an athletic performance enhancement facility where he helped develop specific training programs for various levels of field, court, and strength athletes as well as helping general population reach their health and wellness goals. Since that time, Jacob has worked with the men and women of the United States Air Force, current and former NFL players, US Olympics, multiple collegiate sports, CEOs, and desk jockeys alike.
Ashley is the co-founder of Athletes’ Potential and is the individual that keeps everything working behind the scenes. She has a background in running non-profits and uses that to further develop Athletes’ Potential. Her personal favorites about running a business include mastering the customer experience and getting to know our unique patients.
When she isn’t working or taking care of her and Danny’s kids, she enjoys working out, paddle boarding, and watching her favorite TV shows.
Contact | Connect with Ashley and Jacob
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, August 24 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, August 24th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
This month’s FUSE Mastermind Round Table will be moderated by Scott Fields of Fields Law, PC.
“As entrepreneurs and small business owners,” remarks Scott, “we meet a lot of people. We help each other; we all rely on each other’s strengths to smooth out our own weaknesses. Is it possible to be more strategic about our strengths while still being mindful that we are dealing with people? Of course, it is!”
Join the discussion, as we discuss how to discern between “Connectors, Mavens, and Salespeople.”
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Scott B. Fields
Building on a background in probate, real estate, and small business litigation, Scott formed this firm to focus on advising clients and helping them prevent and mitigate the negative effects of legal disputes. Scott believes that litigation and transactional law inform each other, and that experience with resolving disputes helps strengthen efforts to prevent them.
Scott graduated with honors from Georgia State University College of Law in 2011. During law school, he was an Urban Fellow at the Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth, a Law Fellow with the Atlanta Beltline, and a legal intern at the City of Atlanta Law Department for Urban Planning and Zoning.
Before beginning the practice of law, Scott gained valuable experience from a career in Information Technology and as a small-business owner and entrepreneur. Scott also briefly taught high school science, which seemed like a good idea at the time.
Except for a few weeks in Oklahoma after being born on an Army base, Scott is a native of Atlanta, and he and his family have lived in Tucker since 1998.
Contact | Connect with Scott
RSVP for the Tuesday, August 24th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, July 27 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, July 27th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
Our July 27th, The FUSE mastermind round table will be moderated by Karen Armstrong, REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty, Peachtree Road.
There are many ways to grow a small business, but one of most important elements is consistent marketing.
Join the discussion, led by Karen Armstrong, who will be discussing the ways to achieve success with direct- and referral- based marketing for small businesses.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Karen Armstrong has worked as an Atlanta Realtor for nearly two decades and has sold over 1000 homes in the Metro Atlanta area.
Karen feels fortunate to have been named the “Number 1 Agent” with Keller Williams Peachtree Road in 2017. She knows what is needed to get homes sold quickly for the best price in the current market. Karen is known for giving honest, straightforward advice backed by her years of real estate experience in both up and down real estate markets.
Presentation and staging are two of the most important ingredients to getting a home sold and she spends extra time with her clients to make sure the house looks exceptional before hitting the market. “This helps give me an impressive 98% list price to sales price ratio for my listings over the past year.”
Karen lives with her amazing husband, Mark Thomas and her son, Will Armstrong, and stepsons Iain and Colin Thomas are college students.
Karen enjoys reading books, and watching professional sports, especially tennis and baseball, as well as watching her son play sports. She is actively involved with JDRF research to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
Contact | Connect with Karen
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, June 22 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, June 22nd, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
Our June 22nd mastermind round table will be moderated by Richard Morse, owner of Morlin Property Inspections.
There are many ways in which businesses can aim to differentiate themselves– their product, service, distribution, relationship, reputation/image and price–from their competition.
Join the discussion, led by Richard Morse to learn how implementing a small difference in the way you do business, can catapult it to the next level.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Richard Morse is the proud owner of Morlin Property Inspections and has been performing both residential and commercial property inspections for just over twenty years. Richard started his career as a home bilder, moved into rehabbing real estate investment properties, and then ultimately started to conduct property inspections. Richard performs inspections for buyers, sellers and for investment companies that hold commercial real estate. Richard is fully insured and performs all inspections as per the standards set forth by the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors.
Richard lives in Lilburn with his wife Donna and their five children. In his free time, Richard enjoys spending time with his family. Together, they enjoy the outdoors while hiking, camping and riding motorcross.
Contact | Connect with Richard
RSVP for the Tuesday, June 22nd meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
See how Google’s free and easy data visualization tool can benefit your professional or personal life.
Tuesday, May 25 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, May 25th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
Our May 25th mastermind meeting will be moderated by Dave Turney, an independent Internet Marketing Consultant with over 20 years of experience.
In this practical workshop, Dave will demonstrate just how easy it is for anyone to automate reporting on anything you can measure in your business or personal endeavors.
If you’re new to Google’s free Data Studio Business Intelligence (BI) tool, or you’d like to see how to get the most out of it, this live demonstration is for you. You will leave with the knowledge, inspiration, and a free template or two so you can build yourself a custom executive dashboard today.
Big and small businesses alike are catching on to the power and budget-friendliness of Data Studio for simple, automated, custom reporting on whatever it is that matters the most right now. It’s free and anyone can use it. Get hooked on Data Studio at this Fuse Networking Mastermind.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Dave Turney is an independent Internet Marketing Consultant with over twenty years of experience helping big international brands and small local businesses win with digital marketing and marketing analytics. He specializes in search engine optimization and web analytics. Following a 15 year career in digital marketing with the world’s largest science publisher, he has continued providing digital marketing expertise to other well known publishers and media clients. He lives in Smoke Rise with his family of five and a small flock of Pekin ducks.
Contact | Connect with David
RSVP for the Tuesday, May 25th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, April 27 , 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, April 27th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
Our April 27th mastermind meeting will be moderated by Bob Smith, a licensed Georgia Health and Life Insurance Advisor since 2009, focused on the “individual” (non-group) market.
He will lead a discussion on networking vs. netweaving… a mindset distinction that focuses on helping others with what they need, rather than looking for others to help you with what you need.
Here are the highlights!
- Improve efficiency of your networking experience
- Maximize time spent networking
- Are you satisfied with your networking results?
- Do others make more valuable long lasting contacts?
- Understanding of netweaving can enhance your networking experience.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
“In 2000, my wife Martha and I pointed our cars towards Atlanta and put Long Island, NY in our rear-view mirrors. Martha, to build-out the Randstad Call Center, and I, accounts receivable financing to temporary staffing services throughout the South and Texas.”
Admittedly, being an insurance agent was not a career path Bob had ever contemplated…but fast forward to 2008. The economic downturn caused temporary staffing services to have a limited need for financing services as invoices dwindled. Enter the opportunity for Bob to be in business for himself, but not by himself. Bob became an independent insurance agent with HealthMarkets, and recently, a licensed insurance agent and advisor at North American Life Plans LLC. The rest of the story is history.
Having access to extensive industry resources and broad portfolio of products enabled Bob to assist those responsible for purchasing their own health insurance (i.e. “individual market”). The 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act created a fast-paced environment which energized him, steeped in the knowledge that each day brought the chance to have a positive impact on a person’s life. This was a responsibility not taken lightly. Whether assisting those 65 and over, or those under 65, Bob values his role and those that depend upon his counsel.
“I recognize that a health plan is the foundation of a health coverage strategy, but by itself, it can’t fully shield people against medical and financial risk.” Success in this area has been most fulfilling by providing ancillary products that pay cash directly to individuals when they need it most: To the client who received a cancer diagnosis but learned a recommended protocol hadn’t been approved by the FDA and as such not covered by health insurance; to the client who had a heart attack but is able to meet financial obligations as a result of having a critical illness supplement. Hearing the success stories of clients has made his experience as an insurance agent most rewarding.
In June of 2017, Bob was appointed as a licensed insurance agent and advisor at North American Life Plans LLC to better serve his clients.
“In my past, I traveled the country promoting ‘Now & Later Candies.’ Understandably, I wanted everyone to eat and enjoy ‘Now & Later’. As a health insurance agent, I provide plans and programs that hopefully clients will never need, but will have when needed.
Licensed Insurance Agent #2662700
Federal Marketplace ID: 14855630
Contact | Connect with Bob
Fuse Networking After Business Hours
Thursday, April 1, 2021 – 6:30-8:30 pm
Take your business to the next level, while forging new relationships and building a stronger professional network in the process. On Thursday, April 1, 2021, grab a hand full of business cards and join Fuse Networking at the fabulous Smoke Rise Country Club on The Veranda. Network and connect with like-minded business professionals. RSVP is required.
Thousands of people have walked through the Fuse Networking doors and built long lasting business relationships that have led to increased profits to their bottom line.
Free to attend. Cash bar. Following COVID protocol, we are limiting this event to 20 people.
Each attendee is responsible for their own food and/or beverage consumption.
Don’t miss out! RSVP Today!!!
About Fuse Networking: Fuse Networking is a popular, open networking group serving the Atlanta Metro area. It’s the ultimate opportunity to network and get the word about your business in a casual, social setting.
The group’s goal is to provide members and invitees with the opportunity to develop a local/regional business network and to support local business.
We meet at Smoke Rise Country Club located in Stone Mountain, GA. . Visit for more information, or email Art Wood at
RSVP for the Tuesday, April 1st networking event
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
On Tuesday, March 23rd, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins. Check in starts at 7:50 am.
Our March 23rd mastermind meeting will be moderated by Jonathan Brilling, Development and Community Engagement Coordinator at Auditory-Verbal Center in Atlanta
He will lead a discussion on side hustles, how individuals can earn some extra cash by sharing a skill, delivering food or groceries, investing, answering surveys, and more; what are some viable side hustles; and how to balance it all while having a regular job.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Jonathan Brilling is the Development and Community Engagement Coordinator for Auditory-Visual Center
Jonathan’s passion has always been to help deaf and hard of hearing children learn to listen and speak. Every child deserves the right to hear, and regularly speaks on the subject.
He is currently a member of the Kiwanis Club of Brookhaven/Chamblee, and has been tasked with helping build this club to its full potential.
Jonathan was also one of the few along with Auditory-Visual Center’s Executive Director to help create and implement a new law which has passed in the state of Georgia that will help all deaf and hard of hearing children in the state of Georgia.
If you are looking for a passionate speaker for your event, Jonathan would love to share the work AVC is doing and my personal story with AVC. He can be contacted at
RSVP for the Tuesday, March 23rd meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
It’s that time again!
Time to kick off the new year with a meeting that will shape the rest of your year! On Tuesday, January 26th, join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the first Fuse Networking and Mastermind Round Table of 2021.
Because of COVID protocols, this in person meeting is limited to 9 guests. Tickets are $20 per person and must be purchased in advance. Breakfast is included. Purchase your ticket now.
Our round table will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Despite the subject matter, the conversation will focus on recapping the year that was, and welcoming the year that is.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Area Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
$20 in Advance, Includes Breakfast.
RSVP for the Tuesday, January 26th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Making a Positive Pivot During Challenging Times
On Tuesday, December 15th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins.
Dan Thurmon, renowned speaker, author, and performance coach, will be joining us LIVE from his virtual studio, to show us how we can make a “Positive Pivot,” even during the most challenging times. Dan’s book Off Balance On Purpose, is all about embracing uncertainty as a tool for growth and alignment.
He will show us how to harness the positive aspects of the changes you’re dealing with, bring personal growth to your professional mission, and bring greater clarity to your mission and impact. Dan’s performances are also known to be thrilling and full of surprises, so you will NOT want to miss this!
Salvation Army “Virtual” Toy Drive
On December 15th, Fuse Networking will also hold its annual Toy Drive to benefit The Salvation Army.
In years’ past, attendees brought NEW TOYS for the drive.
In light of the current COVID environment, and our meeting being on ZOOM, we are asking all attendees to make a monetary donation when registering, which The Salvation Army will, in turn, use to purchase NEW TOYS for children in need.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members, waived while FUSE meetings take place on ZOOM. Check in begins at 7:50 am.
Members and guests are requested to
make a monetary donation when registering,
to present to The Salvation Army for their annual Toy Drive
on behalf of FUSE Networking and Mastermind December 2020 attendees.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Dan Thurmon isn’t just a world-renowned Hall of Fame keynote speaker. He’s also an author, entrepreneur, workplace performance expert, fitness advocate, and acrobat who practices what he preaches!
Known for delivering powerful, customized, opening and closing keynotes in jaw-dropping style, Dan uses every bit of his passion and ability to educate and inspire his audiences. The results and experiences are unlike anything any other speaker can offer.
Dan’s top-rated keynotes, corporate workshops, custom virtual experiences , and executive coaching has brought him across 32 countries and six continents. His reputation for going the extra mile came from his ability to make a sustained, positive transformation for his clients.
Always passionate about doing his homework, Dan takes the time to truly understand what is going on in every organization long before he ever steps on stage or delivers a virtual keynote.
Dan believes that we will never achieve “perfect balance” and should, instead, learn to embrace uncertainty and initiate positive changes that lead to growth. Dan encourages audiences beyond the pursuit of “success” and enhance our life experiences and professional endeavors with purposeful, positive contributions.
Contact Dan at or 770.982.2664. Visit his website at
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the December 2020 meeting.
However, we are asking Members and Non-Members to make a monetary contribution when registering to be presented to The Salvation Army to be applied towards their annual Toy Drive.
RSVP for the Tuesday, December 15th
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
We are 8 months into the pandemic…now what?
On Tuesday, October 27th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins.
Our October 27th mastermind meeting will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. He will lead a discussion with participants about how 2020 has affected their businesses, what have they changed, what would they do differently, and how are they poised to come out on the other side?
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the October 2020 meeting.
RSVP for the Tuesday, October 27th
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Atlanta is a hub for business and a vibrant center for networking–crucial for personal and professional growth. As we all know, person-to-person networking virtually came to a halt overnight, with the news of the Pandemic of 2020. What have the top networkers in Atlanta done in the last six months to continue to keep the networking momentum going?
On Tuesday, September 22nd, join us for a panel discussion featuring Peter Pasternack, Principal and Founder of Real Estate Connections, Corey Moore, Owner and Founder of ProNetworker, and Joel Peskin, Creator of Joel’s List.
The panelists will relate their own experiences, solutions implemented, and open the meeting up for discussion to share trends and networking tips.
RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Corey Moore, also known as Atlanta’s “NetworKing,” is owner and founder of ProNetworker, a resource center for business events, networking events, seminars, business expos, workshops, lunch & learns, and other networking options. ProNetworker also creates and hosts networking events, seminars, and more.
Corey can be reached at
Joel Peskin runs a networking newsletter that goes out to more than 15,000 business professionals. He also promotes The Greater Atlanta Business Expo, which takes places twice a year, and holds large monthly networking events throughout Metro Atlanta. Additionally, he owns a carpet cleaning company that services the Metro Atlanta area. Joel can be reached at 404-447-7001.
Peter Pasternack is founder and principal of Real Estate Connections Group, which was started as a bi-monthly event to facilitate a positive atmosphere where real estate professionals and real estate related industries could join forces to network and share ideas and strategies. Born in Atlanta, the organization has expanded to include a national community of over 16,000 professionals. Peter can be reached at
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the September 2020 meeting.
RSVP for the Tuesday, September 22nd
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) are designed to help improve the community by bettering conditions for existing businesses and by attracting new growth.
We often hear the acronym “CID” in reference to a city or or an area, but what does it really mean?
- What is a CID? What does it do?
- Why do we need a CID?
- Who funds it?
- What has our local CID done thus far and what are its future plans?
- How can you get involved?
On Tuesday, August 25th, we will meet on Zoom and welcome Matthew Lee, Executive Director of our local Tucker-Northlake Community Improvement District (CID).
Matthew will not only address these questions, but talk about the impact of CIDs on community safety, beautification, business retention, economic growth, and capital improvements.
RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Matthew Lee is the executive director of the Tucker-Northlake Community Improvement District (CID). He oversees the daily operations of the of the organization including working with commercial property owners, business, community, and government leaders on a variety of matters impacting business and community life within the CID.
Matthew was part of the Tucker 2015 Volunteer Council that led to the incorporation of the City of Tucker in 2016. He is president of the Tucker Historical Society, serves on the Board of Directors for the Friends of Johns Homestead Park, and is a member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
Matthew can be reached at
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the August 2020 meeting.
RSVP for the Tuesday, August 25th
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
“When it is obvious that goals can’t be reached, don’t adjust the goals, but the action steps.” -Confucius
At the beginning of the year, you made some resolutions, set some goals. Where do you stand? If you’re on track, despite the wrench Coronavirus threw on all of us, let’s hear about your successes. If you’re not where you thought you’d be, let’s use the power of like-mindedness to get back on track.
On Tuesday, July 28th, we will meet on Zoom. RSVP is required. You will receive a Zoom invitation link before the meeting begins.
Our July mastermind meeting will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Our conversation will focus on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and Makenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the June 2020 meeting.
RSVP for the Tuesday, July 28th
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table – Virtual Edition
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Join us online for Fuse Networking Mastermind Round Table. You will be sent a Zoom invitation to join the meeting upon registering to attend.
We are excited to welcome Charles DeWitt, Chairman, CEO and Founder of Tandem Bank in Tucker, GA as the moderator for our June 2020 meeting.
He will be discussing two subjects:
- Entrepreneurial Bankers – How do banks get started
- Banking in the Midst of a Pandemic – Opportunities and challenges
Tandem Bank, which opened in 2019, has the distinction of being the first de novo community bank charter in the state to be approved by the Department of Banking and Finance of Georgia since 2008.
Over the previous 11 years, the number of state bank charters had declined, largely due to bank closures during the Great Recession and subsequent industry consolidation. The formation of Tandem Bank presented evidence that the community banking in Georgia had recovered from the crisis.
Less than a year from opening its doors, however, Tandem Bank found itself in the middle of a new crisis, COVID-19, and jumped at the opportunity to help business clients apply for PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans and navigate the new normal of doing business.
Fuse Networking and Mastermind is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
We look forward Charles DeWitt’s candid discussion with the attendees.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. Non-member fee of $20 has been waived for this Zoom meeting.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Charles DeWitt is Chairman, CEO and Founder of Tandem Bank in Tucker, GA. Previously, he served as founding CEO of Resurgens Bank, which opened in 2008 and sold to Charter Financial Corp in 2017.
Charles has 30 years in the banking industry, and has experience in many aspects of banking including retail, commercial lending, capital markets and investment banking. His banking experience began in college and, after graduating, entered the SunTrust Bank commercial training program in Atlanta and served in branches and commercial centers. He later gained experience in capital markets with SunTrust Robinson Humphrey. He received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and is a graduate of the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University.
He has served on the boards of Northlake Community Alliance, Tucker-Northlake Community Improvement District, Intown Community School Foundation and St. Pius X Catholic School Athletic Association.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the June 2020 meeting.
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table – Virtual Edition
Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Join us online for Fuse Networking Mastermind Round Table. You will be sent a Zoom invitation to join the meeting upon registering to attend.
March 2020, when the world as we knew it came to a halt, now seems like a life-time away. Shelter-in-place orders, businesses temporarily or permanently closed, at home learning for students, social distancing…we were all adjusting as we could, the best we knew, as we would enter our “New Normal.”
Now, more than two months into this new reality, let’s have a candid discussion on how the pandemic has affected our businesses.
How have our industries changed? How effective is our communication or our interaction with clients, co-workers and suppliers? How have our markets reacted? How have we and our businesses evolved or what adjustments did we have to make, if any? What might be the lasting effects of the COVID-19 Era, and will what we have to continue to modify the way in which we do business? Will we ever return to the “Old Normal?”
Our moderator for May 2020, is Art Wood, Area Manager for Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A. and founder of Fuse Networking and Mastermind.
Fuse Networking and Mastermind is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. Non-member fee of $20 has been waived for this Zoom meeting.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the May 2020 meeting.
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table – Virtual Edition
Tuesday, April 28, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Join us online for Fuse Networking Mastermind Round Table. You will be sent a Zoom invitation to join the meeting upon registering to attend.
Unprecedented changes brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic, has forced many of us to work from home instead of going to the office. A different set of distractions (family, pets, the news) has also caused to change our routines. Can one work effectively from home? How about our employees? What type of motions can be set into action to ensure the work day is productive?
Our guest moderator for April 2020, is Will Nobles of Vector Choice Technology Solutions, serving small, medium and large-sized businesses.
Beginning March 30th, Will began hosting a free webinar series entitled, “Working from Home,” which broadcasts three times a week (M/W/F), featuring respected business leaders discussing the issues brought on by distancing guidelines and having to work from home.
At the Fuse Networking Mastermind meeting, Will plans to discuss the following topics:
- Video Etiquette
- Zoom
- Office 365
- Tips on how to protect your data
- Monitoring Employees Productivity
- Difference Between Consumer Grade and Business Grade computers
- How to utilize Voiceover IP while working from home
We look forward to hearing from Will.
Fuse Networking and Mastermind is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. Non-member fee of $20 has been waived for this Zoom meeting.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Vector Choice was created in 2008 and has been providing technology services to companies in the United States, Costa Rica, Brazil, Dominican Republic, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Will Nobles started Vector Choice Technology Solutions with the vision of empowering customers by tailoring technology solutions to each unique need. Will spent several years working for a fortune 500 corporation, providing technology consulting and technology management.
With the vast knowledge and experience gained, he went to market with Vector Choice to provide those same types of services to other businesses. Whether it is a small business, a mid-sized company or a major corporation with multiple locations, the right technology is required to be productive and secure.
Vector Choice provides that efficiency and security for its customers across the globe. Will has spoken at the Nasdaq, Harvard Club, Harvard University, and Atlanta E-Comm Forum. Vector was also chosen as one of the 2018 Best and Brightest Companies to Work for in Atlanta.
Will can be reached by email or phone. Watch his introduction.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests is WAIVED for the April 2020 meeting.
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table…
of a Different Kind
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
As the Coronavirus Pandemic increased and recommendations were made to keep distance with one another, we decided to hold a virtual meeting with our Fuse Networking membership.
The goal was to share with each other what we were individually doing to cope with the “new normal,” how it was affecting our businesses, what we had already implemented to keep our businesses going and our outlook for the near future.
Our round table was moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood.
To hear a complete recording of the meeting on Facebook, please click here.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, January 28th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, February 25th – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
When you are feel unstructured and unorganized and life keeps interfering with your plan, you need the right tools to come up from under the pile…
Join us for breakfast at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table on Tuesday, February 25th to get some help and learn how to fine tune those tools. Leslie R. Williams of LRW Consulting will moderate the meeting and guide you through the process.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Leslie Williams began LRW Consulting in 2008, building it over the past 12 years into a thriving coaching and management training company. She holds the certification of Advanced Birkman Consultant through Birkman International. What she loves most is working with her clients–working with them as they grow their businesses and creating futures that they didn’t think were possible.
Leslie has been leading programs and workshops on project management, productivity and performance, and strategic planning for over 20 years.
She works with business owners individually, as well as in groups, providing leadership development, management training and small business coaching.
Leslie has a BA in psychology from Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY and a master’s from NYU.
She has lived in Atlanta since 1998, has been married for 21 years, has a 12-year old son, Hunter. She loves working in her garden, baking phenomenal desserts, and traveling.
Phone: 404.819.3398
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, February 25th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
It’s that time again!
Time to kick off the new year with a meeting that will shape the rest of your year! On Tuesday, January 28th, join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Mastermind Round Table to discuss the infamous subject of “Goal Setting.”
Our round table will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Despite the subject matter, the conversation will focus on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
RSVP for the Tuesday, January 28th meeting
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, December 17, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
** Please note, due to the Christmas Holiday, December’s meeting will take place on the 3rd Tuesday.
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for Fuse Networking’s Mastermind Round Table on Thursday, December 17th to hear from serial entrepreneur Ken Goss and participate in the Fuse Networking Salvation Army Toy Drive! Breakfast is included.
Over the years, Ken Goss has successfully started and operated over 50 businesses. Currently, he oversees 10 of them, including Goss RV, a luxury motorhome rental company, serving the U.S. and Canada.
Ken has developed a keen business acumen, and he will share the hows and the whys, the blessings and pitfalls he has experienced as a serial entrepreneur, and what brings him to that “Aha!” moment when considering starting a new endeavor.
Salvation Army Toy Drive
On December 17th, Fuse Networking will also hold its annual Toy Drive to benefit The Salvation Army. We encourage everyone to bring TWO NEW TOYS for the drive. Guests who bring in two new toys, will not be charged the $20 admission fee.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Contact Ken:
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
The How and The Why Behind Your Brand
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table on Tuesday, November 19th. Breakfast will be served.
What does “branding” entail and how do you know you are doing all that’s necessary to present a cohesive look and consistent message to the world? Stacey Berg and Kim Diamond of Pitch Partners, LLC will break down the components that make up a brand and will explain how to put them back together so that they make branding sense.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
About Stacey Berg and Kim Diamond
After spending many years in the corporate world, they both found themselves looking for a better way to balance their busy lives as mothers while also continuing their business careers. They discovered that they could combine their education and experience to help small business owners who have no shortage of talent and passion, but just need a little bit of help with the business side of running their companies. So they founded Pitch Partners, LLC.
Stacey loves creating an inspired brand story and helping it grow. She is Midwestern born and raised, and spent more than 13 years with Anheuser-Busch, and recent years in Innovation Consulting, leading new product innovation and strategy for some of her favorite beer brands. Yes, she did get free beer, but no, she never rode a Clydesdale. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and an MBA from Washington University. Outside of work, you can find Stacey volunteering at her kids’ schools, playing tennis, or attending music festivals.
Kim enjoys working with small companies, having spent many years in the start-up tech scene in Austin, Texas. She loves the thrill of being part of a small team that works together to grow a budding idea into an thriving business. She graduated with a BA from the University of North Texas and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin. Kim is a mother of three , enjoys playing tennis and spends her free weekends at the lake. She is also a sucker for a good coffee shop and a local craft brewery.
Contact Stacey and Kim:
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, October 22nd – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
5 Skills to Empower Others
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table on Tuesday, October 22nd. Breakfast will be served.
What if you practiced five skills that would elevate your communication and empower others? These five skills can be used in professional and personal conversations. When you experience the shift and empower others, you have a greater influence on those around you. The meeting will be led by Jane Bishop, life and work coach, speaker and author.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Jane Bishop is the founder and owner of Take The Next Step which emerged out of her passion and desire to help others “go for their IT” with confidence and clarity. Using her teaching skills, education, and experience from academic, athletic and organizational environments, she invests in others and helps them create a sustainable shift and release their “it” factor.
Known as someone who lives forward, Jane’s passion for life and encouraging others is evident, whether chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee, brainstorming with a leadership team, or addressing hundreds of professionals from a platform. Her authenticity, her enthusiasm, and her innate desire to keep it all about the other person, provides the foundation for a captivating experience. One of her favorite quotes is by John Mason: “You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” She believes when a person’s passion intersects with their purpose, they are at their best.
Jane holds the ICF ACC coaching credential, has degrees from three academic institutions, is a trained facilitator for DiSC, Emotional Intelligence, Basic Coach Training, and has over 500 hours of coaching. She is a published author with her solo work of “The Bread Box, Life By The Slice” and as a contributing author to the Amazon bestseller Overcoming Mediocrity: Remarkable Women. She has had published articles in periodicals, a former contributing writer for a local magazine, and a featured guest on blogtalkradio, Gwinnett Business Radio and LATalkRadio. She currently co-hosts the radio show Marketing Matters with Ryan Sauers.
Contact Jane;
Cell: 404.432.2701
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guest
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
How do you find more of your “ideal” clients?
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table on Tuesday, September 24th. The discussion will be lead by Art Wood, Fuse Netwoking Founder and Organizer, on strategies for obtaining a consistent flow of “ideal” clients. We will start the conversation by defining who our ideal client is, and then round table it to model our strategies and get more of them. Breakfast will be served.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Offline & Online: How To Leverage Both For National Visibility
On Tuesday, August 27th, we meet at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table Breakfast. Our August mastermind meeting will be moderated by Sharon Gutierrez, CEO of Shar’Enterprise, a digital marketing agency, and Compliments of Sharon, her international speaking platform.
As business owners and professionals, we know the power of our networks. Chances are, you have a social media account, but are posting sporadically at best. When we take simple actions to move our networks online, we can target our ideal client in any state–or country! Using simple methods, Sharon has taken business from Hawai’i to Alaska to Georgia, and gained clients internationally!
Sharon discussed…
- What platforms are best to leverage for your own goals
- How often and what to post
- Is boosting that post really helping
- What is an ‘algorithm’ and how do you work with it
- What is the biggest shift in social media that is happening right now
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Sharon Gutierrez is the owner of Compliments Of Sharon, a marketing consulting company as well as national marketing agency, Shar’Enterprise. She is a dynamic and engaging international business speaker, known for her straight-forward attitude and unique ability to break down and explain complex thoughts into actionable steps for her audience.
Sharon was raised in Alaska and put herself through college with little support, graduated with honors and then moved to Hawai’i. She quickly became the marketing director for a local nonprofit and from there, she launched a digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, social media and small business strategies on Oahu, Maui and Big Island and now, Atlanta and Alaska. Her motivational talk, “How To Get It Done” discusses how being successful includes having drive, managing priorities, being resourceful, building relationships and not always blending into social norms.
Also, an author of two upcoming books. Sharon strives to ignite conversations about equality from a place of educating and inspiring.
Sharon can be reached via phone or email.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, July 23, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Mid-year check point.
At the beginning of the year, you made some resolutions, set some goals. Where do you stand? If you’re on track, let’s hear about your successes. If you’re not where you thought you’d be, let’s use the power of like-mindedness to get back on track.
On Tuesday, July 23rd, let’s meet at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table Breakfast. Our July mastermind meeting will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Our conversation will focus on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Some ‘ones’ push us forward while others send us back. Join us for this lively discussion–with a little soul searching and a lot of discovery. Our round table discussion will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
This Mastermind Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, May 28th – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
How to Lessen the Impact of Your Negative Self-Talk
Have you ever been stopped yourself from doing something because negative thoughts seem to take over your head?
On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Jeff Lovejoy, a Certified Business Coach with ActionCOACH, will briefly explore negative self-talk – it’s source, power, impact – and to discuss several strategies to lessen the talk volume. Some topics to be covered:
- What is negative self-talk and how does it impact us
- The conscious vs. sub-conscious mind
- The power of the sub-conscious mind
- Discuss of the Identity Iceberg
- Strategies to combat self-sabotage
The meeting will take place at Smoke Rise Country Club and breakfast will be served.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Jeff Lovejoy joined ActionCOACH out of a desire to help owners grow their businesses in pursuit of their dreams and to provide a positive contribution to their community. For more than a decade, he has helped owners grow from “wearing all hats” in their business to building superior teams so that the team can run the day-to-day operations while the owner focuses on growing the business – marketing, financial, leadership, service delivery, etc.
Prior to joining ActionCOACH Jeff had built a successful 26-year career in corporate sales, sales management, sales support leadership, marketing and project management. As a Senior Vice President at two large national banks he led initiatives that achieved dramatic results, including
But he doesn’t pretend to know it all. As an ActionCOACH, Jeff belongs to a network of over 1,000 business coaches in 70 countries. With this network of brain power, along with his M.B.A. in Finance, his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science, and over 1000 hours of training as a Certified Business Coach, Jeff is skilled at breaking down complex issues into simple steps, and has the tools to help his clients succeed.
Jeff, his wife Nancy and two children live in Brookhaven, GA. For Jeff, coaching extends beyond his business life as he has coached his daughter’s soccer, softball and basketball teams throughout the years. He has also been very involved in his son’s scouts’ activities, from camping trips, badge-getting experiences to even popcorn sales.
Jeff Lovejoy
Certified Business Coach
404.250.3221 (office)
404.444.1836 (cell)
Connect with Jeff by email, or on LinkedIn.
This Mastermind Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Some may think that ‘Workplace Culture’ may just be overrated, and that steering the proverbial boat to a place of congenial balance is just an utopic dream… Or is it?
On Tuesday, March 26, 2019, Emily Housley, a business consultant at CSR, will entertain the subject of culture…it importance, and its deep effect on the journey of any company. She will be coaching the attendees on crafting our own firm’s mission, vision and values, and then, how to embed them into our firm’s HR operations, financial management, business development ,and marketing. The meeting will take place at Smoke Rise Country Club and breakfast will be served.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Emily is passionate about problem-solving and helping business owners identify and reach their goals. At CSR, a business strategy consultancy in Midtown Atlanta, she assists with strategic research and analyses, systems development and implementation, and project planning. Emily is especially interested in effective recruitment and onboarding to ensure low employee turnover and high workplace morale.
Born in Los Angeles and raised in East Cobb, Emily now calls Atlanta (ITP) home. She is a graduate of Georgia State University and holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Marketing. In addition to strategic planning, Emily enjoys trail running, playing the guitar, and cooking.
This Mastermind Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, February 26, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
COMMERCIAL LENDING. It’s not personal. It’s business!
Obtaining funds for business purposes may not always be the easiest task to tackle. With so many resources in the marketplace, how can a business owner know that their lending source is the best choice and most beneficial for the business at this time?
On Tuesday, February 26th, Fuse Networking member Raymond Grote will lead a discussion on the subject of commercial lending. The meeting will take place at Smoke Rise Country Club and breakfast will be served.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Raymond Grote is principal at RG3 Consultants, LLC. He provides their clients the knowledge, skills, and network gained from more than a decade of experience in forecasting, analysis, banking, business operations, strategic planning, and non-profit leadership. With previous responsibility for over 750 business relationships, Raymond has the knowledge, tools, and professional network to assist with almost every business need.
With industries in a state of constant change, Raymond serves as an on-call advisor and CFO, helping clients with business plan writing, quarterly planning, and providing access to RG3 Consultants’ trusted expert network and industry resources. The company also offers a menu of essential business services for one-time or ongoing projects.
RG3 Consultants’ mission is to provide their clients and partners with expert knowledge and access to financial resources. Their primary focus is helping to build best-of-class businesses that improve the quality of life of owners, their employees, and their communities.
This Mastermind Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
It’s that time again!
Time to kick off the new year with a meeting that will shape the rest of your year! On Tuesday, January 22nd, join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Mastermind Round Table to discuss the infamous subject of “Goal Setting.”
Our round table will be moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Despite the subject matter, the conversation will focus on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
This Mastermind Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Networking’s Salvation Army Toy Drive and After Business Hours Networking
Thursday, December 6, 2018 – 6:30 -9:00 pm
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us on Thursday, December 6th from 6:30-9:00 pm at Smoke Rise Country Club for our biggest event of the year… Fuse Networking After Business Hours Christmas Extravaganza and Toy Drive!
This is always a fantastic opportunity to spread JOY and GOODWILL, while connecting with like-minded networkers to IGNITE your business!.
In lieu of the admission fee ($10 in advance, or $20 on the day of the event) we encourage to bring 2 toys to donate to Fuse Neworking’s Salvation Army Toy Drive, and your admision will be FREE! We request that toys not be wrapped.
Enjoy great food, a cash bar, unlimited networking, and the chance to light up a child’s face this Christmas.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry. Fuse Networking After Business Hours events are also held several times per year.
Always FREE to attend with membership.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$10 in Advance for Non-Member Guests, $20 at the Door
FREE admission when you bring two new toys!
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
A morning with City of Tucker Mayor, Frank Auman
Join us on Tuesday, November 27th, for a business-focused candid conversation with the mayor of the City of Tucker.
As the mayor of a recently incorporated city with long-standing history and traditions, Mayor Auman is at the helm of the city’s efforts to retain the city’s spirit while continuing to develop its overall strength.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Longtime Tucker-area resident and local business leader Frank Auman is serving as the first Mayor of Tucker, following the new city’s first ever elections on March 1, 2016.
During his campaign, Auman stated, “As a businessman, I have learned that the most important foundation for any new enterprise is solid financial planning that controls costs and provides a solid base for growth. As a new city, with projected annual revenues of more than $10 million, we need financial experience working to build our city’s future.”
“Having built and grown small businesses and seen them succeed, I’m uniquely qualified to help our city build the financial structure to fulfill the promise of cityhood without tying the hands of our future leaders.”
“Our priorities will be effectively negotiating the dozens of agreements with the county, vendors and contractors to provide efficient and responsive services at a price that is fair to taxpayers. We must be careful to lay the groundwork for Tucker’s many years ahead as a healthy, successful city, where its citizens will live, work, play, pray, and prosper as a close-knit community.”
Frank Auman was a member of the Tucker 2015 volunteer council that advocated for the legislation and referendum that led to the successful cityhood vote in November 2015.
Frank and and his wife Gaye (Bell) Auman have three daughters and two sons-in-law. The Aumans have lived in Smoke Rise for more than ten years, and each has called DeKalb County home for most of their lives. Frank has been appointed three times by Governors Perdue and Deal to serve on the Department of Human Services Board, where he is currently Vice-Chair. The family has been involved in youth sports and are active members the Smoke Rise Community Association, and attend Intown Community Church.
Frank Auman can be reached by phone or email.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
How to demystify marketing funnels with Diane Conklin.
Every business needs marketing to grow and flourish. Marketing funnels are the theoretical journey a client or prospect goes through from the time they encounter your business until they buy from you. Most people think of marketing funnels as complicated and confusing. They don’t have to be, shouldn’t be.
On Tuesday, September 25th, discover the world’s shortest marketing funnel that is simple, easy and one anybody can employ – today!
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Diane Conklin is an internationally known author, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, marketing strategist and speaker. Diane is a direct response marketing expert who specializes in showing business owners and entrepreneurs how to go to 6 figures and beyond using strategic implementation, leveraged growth and rapid profit acceleration with Complete Marketing Systems.
Diane and has been involved in numerous campaigns grossing over $1,000,000.00 several times in her career.
As a speaker, Diane has shared the stage with the likes of Barbara Corcoran, Joan Rivers, George Foreman, Cal Ripken, Jr., Dan Kennedy, Lee Milteer, Harry Dent, James Malinchak, Marie Forleo, and many others.
Diane was voted Glazer-Kennedy Marketer of the Year for her innovative marketing strategies and campaigns and was nominated for Atlanta Business Woman of the Year.
Diane can be reached by phone or email.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests
Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Round Table on Tuesday, August 28th. Breakfast will be served.
There is no question technology and the ability to access data instantaneously is a great asset in business. However, if that same data is accessed and stolen by cyber criminals, the consequences can be devastating on many levels.
Our guest moderator for August 2018, is Will Nobles of Vector Choice Technology Solutions. Small to medium-sized businesses are the most vulnerable for data breaches, with 1 in 5 suffering a cyber breach this year. However, 97% of these breaches could be prevented if businesses had a plan in place. Will will share with the attendees 15 viable ways through which businesses can take a proactive approach to protecting their data.
Fuse Networking and Mastermind is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated
Vector Choice was created in 2008 and has been providing technology services to companies in the United States, Costa Rica, Brazil, Dominican Republic, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Will Nobles started Vector Choice Technology Solutions with the vision of empowering customers by tailoring technology solutions to each unique need. Will spent several years working for a fortune 500 corporation, providing technology consulting and technology management.
With the vast knowledge and experience gained, he went to market with Vector Choice to provide those same types of services to other businesses. Whether it is a small business, a mid-sized company or a major corporation with multiple locations, the right technology is required to be productive and secure.
Vector Choice provides that efficiency and security for its customers across the globe. Will has spoken at the Nasdaq, Harvard Club, Harvard University, and Atlanta E-Comm Forum. Vector was also chosen as one of the 2018 Best and Brightest Companies to Work for in Atlanta.
Will can be reached by email or phone.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests

Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Mid-year check point.
At the beginning of the year, you made some resolutions, set some goals. Where do you stand? If you’re on track, let’s hear about your successes. If you’re not where you thought you’d be, let’s use the power of like-mindedness to get back on track.
On Tuesday, July 24th, we meet at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Mastermind Round Table Breakfast. Our July mastermind meeting was moderated by Fuse Networking founder, Art Wood. Our conversation focused on feasibility, execution, and accountability.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meetings, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
Art Wood is not your typical mortgage guy…
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art wants to be your mortgage guy, and not just the guy that worked on your mortgage. He believes in getting to know each and every client as a friend, sorting through available options, and finding the right mortgage fit. Art loves to make people happy and he will go out of the way to make that happen.
He has been in the mortgage business since 2005, and is currently Branch Manager of the Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank, N.A., with an office in downtown Tucker, GA.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests

Fuse Mastermind Breakfast Round Table
Tuesday, June 26, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Round Table on Tuesday, May 22nd. Breakfast will be served.
Our moderator will be Belinda Landers Jackson who is a certified and top producer Sales and Leadership Coach for Southwestern Consulting.
Belinda’s workshop, entitled “Navigating and Identifying Behavioral Types,” will help the attendees learn how to identify different types of buying behaviors in people. In our daily lives, we come across many types of personalities that influence the buying process. Being able to spot what moves others, and being to adapt to their style, is one of the best tools any salesperson can have up their sleeve. Following the workshop, the meeting will open for discussion.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated
Belinda Landers Jackson is a certified Top Producer Consultant and Sales and Leadership Coach with Southwestern Consulting.
is originally from Odessa, Texas and has resided in Atlanta, GA for 23 years. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from The Women’s College of Brenau University in 2005, where she was a volleyball player and active member of the campus community taking every chance to mentor and lead.
Her strengths lie in her ability to connect with almost anyone she comes into contact with, both personally and professionally. With a deep family heritage with the Southwestern Company, she is excited to continue the family tradition working with Southwestern by helping to mentor and coach her clients to achieve their highest goals and aspirations both personally and professionally.
Belinda can be reached by email or phone.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$20 in Advance for Non-Member Guests

Fuse Networking Business After Hours
Wednesday, June 13 – 6:30-8:30 pm
Marlow’s Tavern | Northlake
4156 LaVista Rd. | Tucker, GA 30084
If you are looking for a low-key, professional networking environment, where everyone is welcome and treated like an old-time friend, then FUSE Networking Business After Hours is Your Event!
Network and connect with other like-minded professionals. Learn about what they do, and get the word out about what you do…all in a comfortable social setting.
On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, grab a hand full of business cards and join us for Fuse Networking After Hours Event on the rooftop at Marlow’s Tavern (Northlake).
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
FREE to attend with Fuse membership. $10 for non-members, $20 at the door.
The Networking Event is FREE for Fuse Members
$10 in Advance for Non-Member Guests, $20 at the door.

Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Tables
Tuesday, May 22, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Round Table on Tuesday, May 22nd. Breakfast will be served.
Our moderator will be Drew Barton owner of Southern Web, a digital agency, and he will discuss 20 things to do before launching a website.
We all have websites for our businesses, but, how do we know we’re taking all the necessary steps to ensure they are doing what they are supposed to do…give a great impression and bring more businesses?
“In the world of digital marketing,” says Drew, “what you don’t know can hurt you.” He will share must-do tricks to help ensure websites perform at their best, and, if time permits, he will review one.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated
Drew Barton is owner of Southern Web, a digital agency located in Atlanta. He manages the team, leads business development activities and sets the overall vision of the company.
A graduate of Emory University, he spent three years working at before founding Southern Web in 2004. Drew is an Eagle Scout, an active member of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) and a recipient of the International Association of Business Communicators’ Silver Flame Award for an article he wrote about boosting website traffic.
He is also the author of “The Buyer’s Guide to Websites,” which was written to empower business owners who are in the process of working with a digital agency to build a website. In his spare time, he enjoys learning Spanish and investing in real estate

Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Tables
Thursday, April 12, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Join us at Smoke Rise Country Club for the Fuse Networking’s Round Table on Thursday, April 12th or Tuesday, April 24th. Breakfast will be served.
Art Wood, founder of Fuse Networking, will lead a discussion about THE FEAR FACTOR as it applies to the decisions we make (or not make) in business. Fear can can be bad and stop us from moving forward, but can also be good–if we know how to properly engage it.
“We second-guess ourselves, we make stuff up about what people might think about us, and then we sit with those thoughts and go over and over them until they start to look real. In that process we always underestimate our resilience and our moment-to-moment creativity. What would it mean to you if you could use all this anxious energy for good use?” – Matt Hattersley
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Seating is limited so early RSVP is required and appreciated
Art Wood is the founder of Fuse Networking, producing branch manager at Legacy Mortgage Team at Goldwater Bank in Tucker, GA.
With a passion for people and for making things happen, Art takes the mortgage process from what could be scary, overwhelming and intimidating, to a seamless and rewarding experience.
Art grew up in Tucker, attended Erskine College in South Carolina, and lives in nearby Stone Mountain with his wife Karen and their two young children, Trace and McKenna.
He is the founder of Fuse Networking at Smoke Rise, an active member of the Lilburn Business Association, the Tucker Business Association, and a board member at Smoke Rise Country Club.
Art is also very involved with the community. He leads Sunday worship at Tucker First United Methodist Church (Table 153), and organizes a monthly event, “Pints and Praise,” at Rivals on 5 Restaurant in Stone Mountain to benefit NG3, an organization focused in developing character and providing spiritual growth for high school athletes.
Additionally, Art is one of the main organizers of two acclaimed community events, Taste of Tucker and Tucker’s Chili Cook Off, both benefiting local charities.

Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Tables
Thursday, March 8, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 – 8:00-9:30 am
Smoke Rise Country Club
4900 Chedworth Dr. – Stone Mountain, GA 30087
“In fiscal 2017, film and television productions in Georgia generated $9.5 billion in economic impact.” -Gov. Nathan Deal
According to FilmLA, Georgia is now the No. 1 filming location in the world. 320 film and television products were shot in the state in 2017, including several Marvel movies, AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” and Netflix’s “Stranger Things.”
Careers and business development in Georgia’s film industry abound, with an array of opportunities available from creative to technical and everything in between.
But, how can you tap into and capitalize on Georgia’s billion dollar film industry?
Our presenter and moderator will be Forrest Tuff, CEO and founder of One Vision Productions. Forrest will provide valuable information on resources, organizations and networking techniques that may be useful in creating opportunities to work within the film industry.
Fuse Networking is a business building community comprised of Metro Atlanta professionals who value the power of networking, and understand the importance of learning from one another through discussion and sharing of business experiences.
The “Fuse Networking Breakfast Round Table Networking Series,” are a monthly membership-based, subject-driven 90-minute discussion and idea workshop meeting, geared to address business issues affecting all professionals regardless of industry.
FREE to attend with membership. $20 for non-members (Limited to two visits. Must be paid in advance.) Check in begins at 7:45. Breakfast is included.
Forrest Tuff is the CEO and founder of One Vision Productions, an award-winning, multimedia agency that’s been named one of Atlanta’s “Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” (2015-2017). He is a mentor with SCORE, “Counselors to America’s Small Businesses”, and has worked with many entrepreneurs to find a niche in their industry.
In 2014, Tuff delved into the film industry working on Indie films. He recently co-produced and directed a documentary entitled “Released. When Does the Sentence End?” in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice featuring Governor Nathan Deal.
Tuff’s most recent endeavor with Twentieth Century Fox, is his first major motion feature film. He believes that with the right vision, work ethic, and team you can achieve your greatest ambitions. Forrest can be reached by email or phone.